Vietnam days 3 and 4: Hoi An

July 26 to 27

Hoi An is a small town. It’s historic center is listed as world heritage by UNESCO, which means it’s beautiful, and packed with tourists. We spend two days and a half there, walking around and eating cao lau.

Our hotel room has windows this time, so we enjoy some time inside as well, watching the Wire and John Oliver.

The night market is full of lights and street food. We take strolls along the river and cry together on the bridge. A lady carrying a super heavy load of fruit invites us to take a picture with her to then overcharge us for a mango and some dragon fruit. It takes Michael’s Australian sense of diplomacy to prevent me from storming off.

Overall it’s a very quiet stay, a welcome rest after the buzzing of Ho Chi Minh

One of our last meals is a Vietnamese barbecue in the street. Magui thoroughly enjoys it.
